Lipstick, Powder and Paint

Life, as seen through the eyes of Helen the Midget Arse.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Ooooooh ello!

 Well, fuk me, ive gorn and got meself a blog si i suppose i should tell you summat about meself.

in the real world my names 'helen'.  im almost half a century old, have 26 kids and 11 boyfriends.

i enjoy kentucky fried chicken, shaggin, chewing my toenails and the smell of dog-shit.


At 10:11 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay! We're first!

At 2:48 am, Blogger Divian said...

Nothing like eating some chicken while shagging and chewing your toenails all while smelling the dog shit thats smeltering nearby....makes for a dang good time, I say!

At 8:51 am, Blogger S.I.D. said...

What a lovely way to start!





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