Lipstick, Powder and Paint

Life, as seen through the eyes of Helen the Midget Arse.

Friday, June 09, 2006

freaky friday

Morning all
wow the weather is lovley wall to wall sunshine, shame we have to work when it is like this, our summers dont last very long so we should be able to have time off when the sun does shine!!!
Well here we are again back to Friday already, i am working now till next Thursday (including sunday) as coco is off on her hols for 3 weeks i will have the manageress and the new girl working with me (helpppppp) so that should be fun.....not, i am relying on piggy and tazzy to keep me sane for the next few weeks haa haa
have a great relaxing weekend .....think of me while you enjoy the 1st England match cold beers ans sunbathing coz i will be stuck indoors at work grrrrrrr COME ON ENGLAND
Helen xxxx


At 1:12 pm, Blogger The Mistress said...

Yay! I'm first!

Congratulations. You beat Tazzy and Piggy to making a Friday posting. Lazy cunts haven't lifted a finger.

I'm taking the day off to watch the match.

See you soon.

At 1:14 pm, Blogger The Mistress said...

I updated the Robbie posting. Added a link at the bottom of the posting to some saucy pics.

At 8:40 pm, Blogger The Mistress said...

*Deposits Piggy&Tazzy-shaped turd on their doorstep*

At 8:59 pm, Blogger S.I.D. said...

I entered a sweepstake at work for the world cup...who did I pick out??

Fucking Togo.

19-1 to win!!

Enjoying the sun and beer Helen on your behalf.

Helps knowing that doesn't it?

At 10:16 pm, Blogger The Mistress said...

SID: Togo's a no-go.

At 5:47 am, Blogger Tazzy said...

MJ thanx for the pics of robbie mmmmmm
T&P my cunning plan worked haa haa im gonna be ignored

Sid gawd togo good luck!!! and grrr have a drink for me and get some sun cream slapped on !!!

At 7:12 am, Blogger The Mistress said...

Let's slap SID silly with sunscreen. Next bus to Ireland.


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