Lipstick, Powder and Paint

Life, as seen through the eyes of Helen the Midget Arse.

Friday, June 30, 2006

minger of the week

yipeeee it is Friday again time for Minger Of The Week!

A quick update on my baby , we went back to hospital yesterday and she is now wearing the latest fashion trend .... a bright pink plaster cast!!! the doc was quite happy just to let the bone knit back together so that's good news she will be using crutches for 2 weeks then she can start to walk on her foot and the cast will be on for 5 weeks ,poor baby is bored and fed up but her friends are visiting and taking her out when i am at work .

Big night out tomorrow night tazzy ,piggy, coco and myself will all attend the retailers awards tazzy has said he will be taking lots of pics so if they are not toooooo hungover on Sunday we might get to see them on thier blog ,oh and summer has returned here lovely sunshine and its hot!!!

have a brill weekend have fun and chill out

bye for now xxxx


At 11:46 am, Blogger The Mistress said...

Yay! I'm first!
Yay! Minger of the Week is back!
Yay! Mini-Midget-Arse has a pink cast!
Yay! It's time for Retailers Awards!
Yay! It's summer in Midget Arse Land!

At 1:13 pm, Blogger Frobisher said...

Retailer Awards?

I bet Tesco's win

At 6:41 pm, Blogger Tazzy said...

haa haa MJ that made me laugh!!!

Frobisher errr tescoe's wont be attending our awards ceremony it is only for the real workers lol

At 10:12 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't want to go. I mean, with me not ever drinking alcohol or anything, it's not going to be much for me is it?

Do you think they might have a few glasses of lemonade, or cream soda for me?

I'd quite like pomegranate juice, but I can't see them having any of that.

Or perhaps a sweet sherry. Yes, i might party and have one of those. But only one, mind.

At 10:19 am, Blogger Inexplicable DeVice said...

He's not very attractive is he.

Have fun tonight!

At 11:26 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's Midget Arses ex hubby you know, IDV.

He was the best looking of the bunch.

*kicks MJ's sodden snatch on the way out*

At 3:11 pm, Blogger The Mistress said...

I love the pics over at Piggy and Tazzy's. You look lovely.

Did you get an award? You should get an award for putting up with P&T's shite for so long.


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